# Chart Editor Blocks

Blocks provides a way to display specific parts of the code in separate tabs.

# Usage

Each block starts and ends with a line (or block) JavaScript comment.

```js chart-editor
// <block:{name}:{order}>
  [ code ]
// </block:{name}>

For example:

```js chart-editor
// <block:config:0>
const config = {
  foo: 'bar',
// </block:config>

const data = /* <block:data:1> */{
  foo: 'bar',
}/* </block:data> */;

# Demo

  type: 'line',
  data: {
    labels: new Array(DATA_COUNT).fill(0).map((_, i) => i),
    datasets: [
        data: Utils.numbers({
          count: DATA_COUNT,
          max: 10,
          min: 0,
        data: Utils.numbers({
          count: DATA_COUNT,
          max: 20,
          min: 10,
  options: {
    aspectRatio: 1.5,
    elements: {
      line: {
        borderColor: (ctx) => Utils.color(ctx.datasetIndex),
        tension: 0.4,
      point: {
        backgroundColor: (ctx) => Utils.color(ctx.datasetIndex),
        radius: (ctx) => (ctx.dataIndex / DATA_COUNT) * 6,