# Chart Editor Actions
Actions allow users to manually trigger custom logic.
# Usage
Actions can be defined using: module.exports.actions: object[]
module.exports = {
actions: [
name: 'Action Name', // Text to display on the associated button.
handler(chart: Chart) { // Function to call when the button is clicked.
// ...
# Demo
{ type: 'line', data: { labels: new Array(DATA_COUNT).fill(0).map((_, i) => i), datasets: [ { data: Utils.numbers({ count: DATA_COUNT, max: 50, min: 0, }) }, { data: Utils.numbers({ count: DATA_COUNT, max: 25, min: 75, }) } ] }, options: { elements: { line: { borderColor: (ctx) => Utils.color(ctx.datasetIndex), }, point: { backgroundColor: (ctx) => Utils.color(ctx.datasetIndex), } } } }
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